Welcome to the Institute of Applied Biotechnologies, where tailor-made services meet cutting-edge technologies. As a trusted partner in NGS and bioinformatics, we are proud to deliver state of the art solutions into your hands. Join us on our mission and stay At the Forefront of Digital Genomics with our unrivalled expertise and precision.
HEMASEQ DX – Diagnostická souprava pro hematoonkologii
This is a multidisciplinary, highly innovative project focused on the development of HemaSeq DX diagnostic kits and panels for the detection of clinically relevant mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia and...
ENIGMA CZ – Etalon národní interpretované genomové mapy ČR
The aim of the ENIGMA project is to develop a Czech digital genome standard, CzGen, a prerequisite for the development of new diagnostic protocols, software solutions for bioinformatics and special...
DiPha – a tool for prediction and guidance of purposeful pharmacotherapy
Medical doctors currently prescribe a number of medicinal products, while scientific studies describe that the drugs are effective in only 60% of patients and also a significant number of patients...
BiomGuard – Comprehensive System for microbial contamination management in hospitals
Infections arising in connection with the provided health or social care are always an undesirable complication and at the very least impair the quality of the patient ´ s life....