

Institute of Applied Biotechnologies a.s.

Služeb 3056/4

108 00 Praha-Strašnice

Czech Republic


Institute of Applied Biotechnologies a.s.

Kramolínská 955

199 00 Praha 9-Letňany

Czech Republic


Institute of Applied Biotechnologies a.s.

Science and Technology Park of the Palacký University

Šlechtitelů 19 (budova C)

783 71, Olomouc

Czech Republic

Contacts and billing information

Databox: fucejhx

Email: iabio@iabio.eu
Phone: +420 210 323 429
Cell phone: +420 731 127 710


IČO (Identification number): 27225712

DIČ (VAT): CZ27225712


The company is registered in the Commercial Register of the Municipal Court in Prague, section B, insert 9836.

Member of the board of directors: RNDr. Petr Kvapil
